Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

We went to the ward party and trunk or treat. Haley had a great time with all the kids and candy. I love the girls costumes Haley the devil (terrible twos) and Hannah the angel (the precious months). The fam is looking good if I do say so my self.

Haley was going crazy right before we went outside to trunk or treat. There is a few funny things that she was doing. There was a Belle from beauty and the beast and Haley was running in circles around her. Then Haley would stick her head in the other kids bags to see if they had any candy. One girl had this COOL flash light that Haley was transfixed on so she stood there starring at it.

Haley was RUNNING to all the cars saying frick or freat then as she ran away she said thank you. I know she is so cute.


Erica said...

THat picture of the four of you is cute. You can tell how much Haley looks like Julie and how much Hannah looks like John - very cute!

Morgan said...

I love the costumes you chose! So perfect for their ages! You are looking amazing too Julie!

emilie s. d. p. said...

Those outfits are adorable! I love Hannah's halo!